Open source platform for the creation, use and sharing of interactive 3D printed robots

Poppy is an interdisciplinary community of beginners and experts, scientists, educators, developers and artists, who all share a vision:
robots are powerful tools to learn and be creative.

Who is Poppy for?

Learning book


All-inclusive activities to teach computer science through robotics. Visual programming and simulation complement tangible object.



Animate your ideas, change the body, incarnate movement, change of perspective!

Erlenmeyer flask

Scientists, hackers

Accessible, open-source, hackable. Major strengths for experimentation and sharing of knowledge and expertise.

The Poppy community develops robotic creations that are easy to build, customize, deploy, and share.

It promotes open-source by sharing hardware, software, and web tools.

Poppy Robots

A standing Poppy Humanoid robot

Poppy Humanoid

Poppy Humanoid is the flagship creature. It is aesthetic, modular, and parametric. From a single arm to the complete humanoid, this platform is actively used in labs, engineering schools, FabLabs, and artistic projects.

A facing Poppy Torso

Poppy Torso

Poppy Torso is a simplified version of Poppy Humanoid. Cheaper, layable on a desk, it is particularly suitable for classroom use, in fablabs or in all kinds of public events.

An Ergo Jr on a table

Ergo Jr

With its six engines, Ergo Jr is the most accessible Poppy robot. It is cheap, portable and easily customizable. Perfectly suited to beginners and younger, it is a good introduction to robotics through a series of turnkey activities.

European Research Council Inria Région Aquitaine FEDER