Poppy Humanoid: advanced and easy to use open source humanoid robot

Poppy Humanoid integrates advanced robotic features in a modular and easy-to-use open source platform.

Based on advanced Robotis actuators and neat 3D printed parts, it allows for anyone (artists, educators, developpers or scientists) to freely use it and hack it in their very own way.


The robot is designed to be fully hacked, therefore the following specifications are the standard ones and can be easily modified or upgraded to fit specific needs.

Poppy Humanoid v1.0.2

  • Size: 83cm
  • Mass: 3.5kg
  • Embedded system: Odroid XU4 with Ubuntu 14.04
  • 25 actuators
  • Large FOV and HD camera


  • IMU 9 DoF
  • 4.5 inches screen
Skateboarding Poppy Humanoid

Get your Poppy Humanoid

The Poppy Humanoid kit is distributed by Génération Robots.

Alternatively, you can aggregate all components needed by your own, using the latest bill of material.